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    Microsoft Office Outlook kan ikke startes. Outlook-vinduet kan ikke åbnes

    August 26th, 2010

    If you get this error when trying to open Outlook:
    Microsoft Office Outlook kan ikke startes. Outlook-vinduet kan ikke åbnes (Danish).
    Microsoft Office Outlook cannot start. Outlook window cannot be opened (English)

    You can try this commands i “Run”.
    Outlook.exe /resetnavpane
    Outlook.exe /cleanprofile

    Add mime type in htaccess

    August 16th, 2010

    In the .htaccess add this line to support .flv files:
    AddType video/x-flv .flv

    Mysql process sleep – wait_timeout

    August 2nd, 2010

    If the DB connections are not closed they can fill your system up with “sleeping” processes.
    Then mysql can be slow but to minimize this behavior
    Add this line to my.cnf

    wait_timeout=60 (1 min)

    max_connections = 2000

    Exit mobile version