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    More than one public IP on a Cisco ASA

    What do you do if you have three webserveres all listening on port 80 and three public IP’s, but only have one firewall/router?

    You do not need three routers but if you have a Cisco ASA it all can be doneĀ on that.

    1. If a Internet user types 111.222.333.2 he ends up on WEB01. 111.222.333.3 end up on WEN02 and so on.
    2. All the webservers acts on the Internet with thire own public IP

    All you need is a Static and an access roule.


    static (inside,outside) <public ip> <local ip>
    access-list allow_inbound permit tcp any host <public ip> eq www

    To follow the example above, just add these lines.

    access-list allow_inbound permit tcp any host 111.222.333.2 eq www
    access-list allow_inbound permit tcp any host 111.222.333.3 eq www
    access-list allow_inbound permit tcp any host 111.222.333.4 eq www

    static (inside,outside) 111.222.333.2
    static (inside,outside) 111.222.333.3
    static (inside,outside) 111.222.333.4